This here is my homepage. I hope you enjoy it because right now it really sucks, I'm sure of it.
But if you want, come on in, pull up a chair, sit by the fire and hear a tale or two. I hope to
make this an enjoyable experience for all. Right now it doesn't have any real strict theme,
but it may in the future, until then, it's pretty much a free for all(almost certain things will
not be on here). In closing, I just want to say thanks to everyone that I borrowed from
mainly those wallpaper places; and Kenn, thanks again for the html help. Ok yall lets
get this shindig going. YEEHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Note: Some of the text above uses the Nosferatu font. Find it, use it. Its cool. Also please note that the above picture is from the artist Brom, I'ts actually part of a painting that Brom did and I just cut out the face I liked, if you want to see the complete work, please be respectful and see the orginal artwork of Brom Thanks. I cannot claim anything as my own on this homepage, well perhaps my thoughts, but that's it, the wallpaper, fonts, just about every image I put on here, I did this merely to show my respect for those that have worked so hard to bring art and creative ideas to us "other" people. If you see something on here that you know shouldn't be on here and don't want it on here, let me know!




The "Me" Page..................................................................1

My Interests in the Arts.....................................................2

Movies and Television......................................................3

Music and more links.........................................................4

Computer related stuff.......................................................5

Other Interests*..................................................................6

Favorite Links and other common stuff.............................7

Acknowledgements and things...........................................8

the secret page that you shouldn't know about.................................................................................................................9

Contacts list and things forgotten.....................................10


* does not include links to porn, the jesus christ homepage, the homepage of links to links from homepages with links, or spam online.


for more info on the help me get out of this accursed country fund: click




this page concieved and thought up by PeteCorp.

Copyright 1 A.D. to 666 D.E.A.D (Day of Evil Animorphismistic Dopplegangers).