my interests in the arts
I may have links to some of the places that I felt did a good job on the person(s), just bear w/ me, it can be touch keeping track of all of these.
IN "Art" ART: I love abrstract and abnormal art. Among my favorites are:
H.R. Geiger - this amazing artist is the creator of the Aliens in the Aliens movies. His artwork is truely interesting as he uses mostly dark colors and occassionaly a green tint to his artwork. I do have to warn people new to his work that some of his images can be at first disturbing. If you don't like dark, "scaley" scultptures and paintings, maybe you should try something else. They can also sometimes be sexually and/or violentlly explicit. In the near future, I may put up a page soley devoted to his work, mainly because there aren't many up on the internet that I know of.
Boris Vallejo *- Boris is most well-known for his fantasy art, often erotic, that is just chock full of goodness. *This link is the exact same as the Julie Bell Link.
Julie Bell *- Julie Bell's work is much like Boris' and is equally as good. * This link is the exact same as the Boris Vallejo Link.
Luis Royo - He also does art similar to Boris and Julie, and does a good job. However, I feel that he is somewhat underestimated on his skills, as I see him as an excellent artist, if not better than Boris Vallejo.
John Howe - If you like J.R.R. Tolkien's MiddleEarth Stories, you must see this artist's representations of the story. I find him as an extremely excellent portrayer of all of the characters in the MiddleEearth World. The Hobbits look like Hobbits and not skinny, big nosed, shoe-wearing elf like creatures; he did an awesome job on Gandalf the wizard, and makes the forces of Sauron look really really evil. Find his art if you can, he obviously did his research on what the characters should look like, I only wish they had a set of Tolkien Books with his art. (If they do and you know of it, please, please, please let me know).
Salvador Dali - Please tell me you know who this is. His abrstract art needs to be known by anyone interested in the abstract.
Albrecht Durer - This guy was an extremely talented painter and is famous for those wierd woodcuts(i.e. Melancholia, etc.) My favorite one is Melancholia I and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
and more.
IN THE LITERATURE FIELD: I am a huge fan of the literary world. My primary areas of reading are fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Some of the authors include:
J.R.R. Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien is the author for possibly the best and most original fantasy novels out there. He created the world of MiddleEarth, and has entrapped readers everywhere with his amazing world. I believe that every fantasy novel that came out after that tries to have some type of tolkien style in it. (the link here is excellent. This site made by a Mr. Eric Lipper has been extremely well thought out and has everything that you could possibly want or need to know about Mr. Tolkien. A++ very high quality site.)
H.P. Lovecraft This IS the master of terror. He
really was not famous when alive, much like Edgar Allen Poe, but
after his death, his stories became phenomenal. This is classic
terror at it's best, most of the stories have some kind of
supernatural influence. Lovecraft is the mastermind behind
Cthulhu, and often referred to the Necronomicon (which no one
really knows if it really exists or not). (this too is an excellent site,
lots and lots of info about his work, life, etc. Reccomended
Margaret Weis She, along with Tracy Hickman, contributed greatly to the AD&D story world. I believe that their greatest accomplishment was the Dragonlance Trilogy( Dragons of Autumn Flame, Winter Flame, and Spring Flame). She use to attend The University of MO, which is in Columbia, where I live, wow I feel so special. I wish she'd come back and visit her college town, it'd be pretty cool to see her in person, but She probably hated Columbia as much as I do. (I'm having a very hard time just finding a good homepage devoted to just her, but she along with tracy hickman(below) wrote the DragonLance series as well as many other books, They may seem geeky and trashy but I still like them, mainly because they're simple hack 'n' cast books.
R.A. Salvatore (This guy is also a TSR writer. His more popular titles are based upon a dark elf by the name of Drizzt. I enjoyed them, and I'm usually pretty picky, so give 'em a try, can't hurt.
Robert Jordan Robert is the author of the Wheel of Time series, which is right up there with Tolkien. While his books are long (700-1000+ pages each) they are well worth it. If you like stories about frequent trips to taverns and ale, and women who can "channel" (like magic) and a Reborn Hero, this is for you. All of the characters are well made, as is the setting. I'd have to say that Matrim Cauthon is my favorite character at the moment. If you want to know who, or what I'm talking about, read the book. (I was having a little trouble finding any really, really good pages on this author. So I decided I'd just link to the book publisher, it seems to have a lot of info, but there's advertising along with it, It'll do until I find the perfect page, or if i make it. :) )
Anne Rice The Queen of Gothic horror. She's most well known for the Vampire series(Interview With the Vampire, etc.) Very very good if you want kind of a romantic, horror novel. (This link leads to a page w/ a bunch of links concerning Anne Rice. Since I had a hard time deciding on just one page, I decided to let you all choose with this person's page of links, it includes a link to Anne Rice's homepage as well. of course if that page ever goes down, click HERE.)
H.P. Lovecraft (to get the link for this one, look up a little ways)
Stephen King While Mr. King is "King" of horror, I'd have to say that if you haven't read any of his stuff but are looking for a good scare, maybe you shouldn't, unless you find his older stuff. He seems to be losing the horror feel and kind of leads to Fiction tales with a little violent twist with a dash of sex.(everyone should know who he is, and there's simply too much stuff on the internet about him, find the info yerself.)
Clive Barker (He's the guy that made the Hellraiser and Candyman movies.
anybody that writes stuff to give you nightmares
Issac Asimov
H.P. Lovecraft
Andre Norten
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Aldous Huxley
Goerge Orwell
Stenislaw Lem
Other authors
James Clavell
William Shakespeare
If you have not read any of these authors, please do so, these are all excellent writers and have all produced excellent pieces of work. I hope that you noticed that H.P. Lovecraft dominates a lot of the areas, I believe that he belongs in all of these, his tales rival those of edgar allen poe and have struck fear and wonder into many....
I have a high interest in music, so I'll talk about that in my music page. The same will go with computers, including games, etc.
Unfortunately, my interests do not entail "sports" like baseball, basketball, football, and certainly not wrestling. I find most of these boring and just plain sad. For example, why would anyone want to see one big fat hairy guy stick his opponents head in his crotch and try to pile drive him? So, all i can say for all of you that like to watch wrasslin'; move out of the trailer park and sell your dog, if you don't understand that, maybe you should stop drinking out of the toilet.
Well, I guess I'll call this my Fine Art's Interests section, if you want to see more of my "entertainment" list of interests(This does not mean stripping or anything, just settle down), then go to "OTHER Interests"