me page


Me: My name is Peter Durin Neely. I'm a 19 years old. Male. I live in Columbia, MO. Im currently a student at a local college, Columbia College. I still live with my parents and I'm not ashamed of it either. It's free food and lodging so I have no problem. Columbia at first glance looks like a great little town, it's got three colleges. The University of MU, Columbia College, and Stephens College (BOOO!!!!! HISSSS!!!!!!) If you want to know why I boo'd and hiss'd at Stephens, click HERE. But in reality it bites like a rabid pitbull on chocolate heorin. We have a less than adequate library, only 2 highschools, retarded "recreational" areas, and only 1 good arcade. We also have terrible book stores.

My life: I was born at fulton state hospital on August 12, 1979. We have stayed pretty much in the same area. When I was just a wee lad, like 2, the docs discovered that I had Growth Hormone deficiency, if you don't know what that is, look it up, i'm damn tired trying to explain it. I also needed synthetic thyroid. About a year after I got of the protropin(the growthe hormone) some doctors figured I had some type of diabetes just because my blood pressure was 730. I took insulin for a couple months until I was taking so little amount, it wouldn't make any difference. I haven't taken insulin since then, and that was about 2-3 years ago. I often feel like a lab rat, and hence I developed a strange, sick, and twisted imagination. Ok, on to the pictures of the fam.



These are my parents, David and Jean. They're pretty descent folk. My dad plays acoustic guitar A LOT, and my mom does crafty things like watercolors and my brother's science projects; she's also a pretty mean violin player.


This odd little critter is often referred to as a "Bitch" It's true sometimes she really is a bitch. But most of the time, she's the bestest dog and could probably whup your dog's butt. Not really. In reality she just whines and growls and tries to hide, even from cats. Her name is Molly and she's getting kind of old, I get to keep her ears when she's dead.


She isn't fond of people staring at her when she's getting her picture taken....


This is my sister. She's nearly as shy as I am. Also, she's planning on going to the rainforest after highschool and be some kind of biologist type person. She visited Guatemala recently and is still recovering from the tequila with mayonnaise. Her name is Ruth, she's going to be a Senior in high school starting Sept. And she never makes anything below a B+, so if your some big company send her money so she can go to Oxford or someplace nice. If you would like to know more about her, I will have a link to her homepage, when she makes one.


This is my brother Sam, he looks alot like me even though he's five years younger. I can't say anymore because he takes everything as a insult, I'm not exxagerating about that either.



I'm sorry to inform you but to my dismay, I could not find a recent picture of myself, they seem to have "dissappeared". When I do unearth one, or if you have one of me, I'll put it up. Promise.